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Residents' Survey
Many thanks to all 835 households who responded to the Residents' survey issued in 2021. It has taken quite a few months to analyse the data, but finally we have the results and these are provided in the full report below.
You'll also find a quick summary of the report below the full report.
We are now using this information to develop draft policies for the Neighbourhood Development Plan which truly reflect the majority of views held by the community. We'll publish these draft policies for comment once they are complete.
Q3 - slightly more males than females answered the questionnaire
Q4 - 28% have a disability
Q6 - 44% respondents are retired (census 18%); 34% FT work (census 52%)
Q7 - 94% white British
Q8 - pretty even split of time lived in Moreton-in-Marsh
Q9 - 1/3 respondents live alone, nearly ½ live in a 2 person household
Q10 - 43% respondents are over 60. 38% 18-29 yrs old
Q11 - 80% own their own house (census 66%), 18% rent (census 33%).
Q12 - 98% respondents say Moreton-in-Marsh is their main residence
Q13 - 96% of respondents say Moreton-in-Marsh is an okay or great place to live
Q14 - top 3 things people like:
access to countryside and greenspace
access to rail network
access to Cotswold towns & villages
Q15 - top 3 concerns:
HGV Traffic and congestion
excessive population growth
loss of green space
Q16 - most favourite words people use to describe a Moreton-in-Marsh they want in 10 years’ time:
traditional market town
65% would not support the NP identifying further housing sites
nearly a quarter of people renting would support the NP identifying housing sites
15.5% of home owners would support identification of housing development sites
Q18 - most support for ‘Homes built to higher environmental standards’ (60%). Second: ‘Homes designed with accessibility for older/disabled people’. Least support for ‘Large 4+ bed family houses’ (26%) and ‘retirement homes/assisted living’
Q19 - type of tenure people want:
most supported: Government starter homes
least support for Open market housing
Q20 - nearly 50/50 split of working/not working (which reflects age of respondents). Of the respondents who were under 75, 10% were not working
Q21 - nearly even split of distance travelled to work
Q22 - most popular method of travel to work car or van. For those who work within 5 miles of Moreton-in-Marsh, 83% travel by car or van (compared to 62% overall).
Those who work within Moreton-in-Marsh-
47% walk to work,
40% car or van
Q23 - 41% think there are not enough local jobs. 43% don’t know. 30% think more apprenticeships are needed
Q24 - 57% would support the NP identifying further land for employment use
Q25 - 76% would support a work hub; 69% shared space; 60% offices
Q26 - 65% would support the NP identifying buildings for employment use within the town centre
Q28 - 30% respondents visit the Tuesday market and regularly buy from it
Q29 - medical facilities very highly regarded by respondents - Doctors, Hospital, and Pharmacies top 3
Q30 - most used facilities grocery shops (65% use them frequently)
Q31 - 81% respondents think the core town centre should be kept the same size
Q32 - 38% want the town centre protected; 49% believe there should be some protection but recognise that things change and we need to let this happen
Q33 - 67% do not think shops should be located outside the town centre
Q34 - 66% of respondents walk when they want to visit Moreton-in-Marsh town centre
Q35 - 71% of children of respondents walk to pre-school or school
Q36 - 79% would support more dedicated walking and cycling routes within the town
Q37 - safer routes would encourage 29% of respondents to walk or cycle more; 21% would like better condition of routes
Q38 - 59% of respondents think it is fairly or very safe to walk/cycle around the town. 3% think it is very unsafe
Q39 - 59% of respondents think traffic is a big problem
Q40 - 36% can find a parking space sometimes, it depends on the time/day. 3% can never find a space, 7% can always find a space
Q41 - parking at home - nearly even split yes/no/blank. Parking in town - 70% want to see improvement-by better design and more capacity of parking in the town centre
Q42 - 60% feel current public transport options meet their need
Q43 - popular public transport destination suggestions: Cheltenham, Chipping Norton, Stratford, Evesham, Oxford, Banbury, Birmingham, Shipston-on-Stour
Q44 - 63% believe the public rights-of-way around Moreton-in-Marsh are important or very important
Q45 - there were over 220 suggested upgrades or new routes
Q46 - nearly 50% of respondents are ‘satisfied’ with the parks, open spaces and green spaces in Moreton-in-Marsh
Q47 - respondents rate accessibility highest with regard to the existing parks and open spaces. Play equipment and facilities for older children have the lowest ratings
Q48 - top 3 open/green spaces respondents believe should be protected
Duck Pond
High Street Greens
Queen Victoria Gardens
All 12 suggested spaces received over 50% support
Q49 - 56% of respondents believe the amount of green space should be increased. Over 250 suggestions of how this could happen
Q50 - 73% of respondents believe biodiversity in Moreton-in-Marsh is 'somewhat important' or 'very important'
Q51 - 175 suggestions of locations to introduce or enhance biodiversity
Q52 - 67% of respondents believe the historic buildings in Moreton-in-Marsh are very important
Q53 - over 60 suggestions of buildings which should be designated as a listed building
Q54 - 62% either 'strongly agree' or 'agree' with the statement “The town should aim to be self sufficient in locally generated renewable energy, as far as possible”
Q55 - roof-based solar panels and ground and air-source heat pumps receive the most support with just over 50% of respondents supporting them
Q56 - the 2 statements “Renewable energy projected should be supported as long as they are partially owned by the community, such as a joint venture with a commercial energy provider” and “Renewable energy projects by commercial developers should be supported, as long as they are required to make some financial benefit payments to the town annually” both received the highest support with 44% of respondents agreeing with them
Q57 - nearly 60% of respondents agree with the statement “I feel that climate change is a risk to me and my family”. Just over 40% disagree with the statements “My property is at risk of flooding” and “I struggle to keep my home warm in the winter”
Q58 - over 320 suggestions for actions households can take to reduce carbon emissions
Q59 - 70% of respondents very or fairly satisfied with the local services and amenities in Moreton-in-Marsh.
Q60 - 46% of respondents would like to see more community facilities in Moreton-in-Marsh. There were over 200 suggestions of what households would like.
Q61 - 78% of respondents feel there is high/good/some community spirit in Moreton-in-Marsh
Q62 - nearly 200 suggestions of how to improve community spirit.
Q63 - most support (70%) for future funding being directed towards public footpaths and bridleways, closely followed by a wildflower meadow (68%)
the comparisons are with the 2011 Census
NP = Neighbourhood Plan
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