Welcome to the Moreton-In-Marsh
Neighbourhood Plan
In light of CDC's revised Local Plan, and the proposed future development in Moreton, it is more important than ever that we have the opportunity to have our say in the future of the town we love.
While we are opposed to mass over development (as proposed by the CDC) we acknowledge that some development to cater to the needs of local people is necessary. This plan is aimed at ensuring any future developments meet the high standards that residents demand and that they are accompanied by the relevant infrastructure.
As of December 2024 the working group have:
Developed the Vision and Objectives for the plan
Consulted on the problems, vision and objectives to ensure these have the agreement of the community
Developed the draft policies which, when approved, will work alongside the District Council's Local Plan policies.
Captured ideas for projects that the community would like to see implemented and changes that the local community want.
Created a Moreton In Marsh specific Community Design Statement (You can see the proposed draft document on our 'Documents' pages).
OUR NEXT MEETING IS: 15th Jan 2025, when we hope to have finalise and completed our Important Green Spaces document and also add to the evidence we are gathering to support policies.
If you have subscribed to our email list, then you will receive regular updates on our progress.
1) Further evidence gathering.
The NDP working group will be asking specific questions of the community (via social media and direct email to subscribers), to provide more detailed and specific evidence for some policies.
2) Approval of the draft plan by Moreton-In-Marsh Town Council
The NDP working group will present the draft plan to the Town Council who will discuss and, hopefully, approve the policies we have formulated.
3) Review and approval of the plan by Cotswold District Council
4) Review by an independent examiner
An independent official will scrutinise the policies we have created against the evidence we have collected in support of those policies, removing anything that does not have a firm evidence base.
5) Local Residents Referendum
The final document will be available to residents, and you will be asked to make known your support for the plan via a referendum.
For details of who your Neighbourhood Plan Working Group are, go to the 'About Us' tab.
It is an opportunity for the local community to say what it wants for its local area upto 2031.
It's a great way for residents to set a vision for the town, influence planning decisions, improve local facilities and help protect important community assets.
For example, it can be used to help retain green spaces and important buildings, detail the type of housing we need and the facilities we as a community want - plus a lot more.
See more in the section headed
It's critical that all local residents have the opportunity to put forward their thoughts and ideas to create a collective and unified vision for Moreton-in-Marsh.
To see all past and upcoming engagement activities please take a look at the items under the "Events" tab.
Alternatively, you can go the the "Contact" page and send us your ideas.

"Neighbourhood planning is a right for communities introduced through